As we continue our series on the North American Numbering Plan (NANP), we now turn our attention to the North American Numbering Plan Administration (NANPA), the organization entrusted with the administration and coordination of the NANP. The NANPA plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth functioning of telephone numbering…

As we continue our series on the North American Numbering Plan (NANP), we now turn our attention to the North American Numbering Plan Administration (NANPA), the organization entrusted with the administration and coordination of the NANP. The NANPA plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth functioning of telephone numbering across North America.

Who is the NANPA?

Established in 1997, NANPA is administered by the private firm Somos, Inc., under the supervision of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States. Other national regulators work with the FCC for areas outside the U.S. within the NANP. NANPA is the impartial administrator of numbering resources, ensuring these resources are used efficiently and judiciously by various telecommunication providers.

What Does NANPA Do?

One of NANPA’s key tasks is managing the assignment of Numbering Plan Area (NPA) codes, commonly known as area codes, to different regions across North America. With each NPA code offering nearly 800 possible central office (CO) codes, NANPA’s responsibilities involve a complex and delicate balancing act.

NANPA’s duties don’t stop at area code assignment. They are also responsible for ensuring the entire NANP numbering system functions smoothly. This includes overseeing the use of special numbers, such as 911 for emergencies, 411 for directory assistance, and various other N11 numbers.

Planning for the Future

NANPA is also in charge of monitoring the future exhaust of telephone numbers. By using complex algorithms and population forecasts, NANPA can predict when a region is likely to run out of telephone numbers under a particular area code. When such a situation arises, NANPA works with local service providers and regulatory bodies to introduce new area codes.

Neutral and Non-Profit

Despite their extensive powers, NANPA operates as a neutral party. They do not favor any particular service provider and follow strict guidelines in the assignment of telephone numbers. Moreover, NANPA operates on a cost-recovery basis, ensuring the equitable distribution of operating costs among telecommunication providers.


Understanding the role of the NANPA is crucial for anyone interested in the mechanics of the NANP. As the guardian of numbering resources, NANPA ensures the continued efficiency and effectiveness of one of the world’s most comprehensive telephone numbering systems. In our next installment, we will take a closer look at NPAs, diving deeper into the world of area codes.

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